Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain

I don't know what it is about rain, especially in Karachi but it has a certain charm to it. Today while travelling to university, the thing that caught my eyes was the greenery that...
just jumps back to life. YES, Karachi, where thick covers of trees are a scarcity. On regular days, you see the same old, dull, smoggy and dusty Karachi. When the heavens burst open Karachi just transforms into this eye-catchy green, dust and smoke free city. Even the buildings are pleasing to look at unlike on other days. Sometimes, I think that it's not, more greenery that's needed; I think we need more rain. Not a lot of it but something like a periodical burst of shower to wash away all that dust and let our eyes feast the landscape. I guess that is but wishful thinking, something that entirely depends on weather patterns. If we really want to see green our best bets is to have as many parks and trees in open spaces and preserve the ones that already exist so that next time it rains we can indulge in one of nature’s many works of art.
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